这话得从 William Stallings 的《计算机组成与体系结构:性能设计》(Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance)说起。今天看这本书的时候,读到这段话,辨析计算机组成与体系结构这两个术语:
For example, it is an architectural design issue whether a computer will have a multiply instruction. It is an organizational issue whether that instruction will be implemented by a special multiply unit or by a mechanism that makes repeated use of the add unit of the system.
简单来说,体系结构关心每一层里面要做什么,是个 what to do 的问题,计算机组成关心如何实现每一层的功能,是个 how to do 的问题。这里举了个乘法指令的例子来说明二者的不同。

Historically, and still today, the distinction between architecture and organization has been an important one. Many computer manufacturers offer a family of computer models, all with the same architecture but with differences in organization. Consequently, the different models in the family have different price and performance characteristics. Furthermore, a particular architecture may span many years and encompass a number of different computer models, its organization changing with changing technology. A prominent example of both these phenomena is the IBM System/370 architecture. This architecture was first introduced in 1970 and included a number of models. The customer with modest requirements could buy a cheaper, slower model and, if demand increased, later upgrade to a more expensive, faster model without having to abandon software that had already been developed.

不过,这也没什么好惊讶的,因为在书最后的“参考文献”一节,就把 William Stallings 的 COA 放在了第一的位置。所以,人家就是“参考”了,怎么地吧(doge
事实上,这也不是我第一次在唐书里读到和国外教材几乎一致的表述了。记得之前另一次是和 Andrew S. Tanenbaum 的《计算机组成:结构化方法》(Structured Computer Organization)雷同(可惜 Tanenbaum 的大作没能荣幸被列入唐书第一版的“参考文献”中,不知道第二版有没有,现在手头没第二版)。

后来读了 Tanenbaum 的书,才知道这个层次结构图是那里来的,书里也做了解释:
The next level is usually a hybrid level. Most of the instructions in its language are also in the ISA level. (There is no reason why an instruction appearing at one level cannot be present at other levels as well.) In addition, there is a set of new instructions, a different memory organization, the ability to run two or more programs concurrently, and various other features. More variation exists between level 3 designs than between those at either level 1 or level 2. The new facilities added at level 3 are carried out by an interpreter running at level 2, which, historically, has been called an operating system. Those level 3 instructions that are identical to level 2’s are carried out directly by the microprogram (or hardwired control), not by the operating system. In other words, some of the level 3 instructions are interpreted by the operating system and some are interpreted directly by the microprogram. This is what we mean by ‘‘hybrid’’ level.
有没有可能这种层次结构是唐书先提出,被 Tanenbaum 借鉴的呢?答案恐怕还是否定的,因为唐书第一版是 1998 年左右,而 Tanenbaum 那本书第一版是 1976 年,里面已经有这个层次结构图了(是的,为了求证这一点,我特地去下了这本第一版电子书)。至于 Tanenbaum 的书会不会也是借鉴别人的,那就不得而知了。